Now back in Whistler, and swept up in mountain life. Lots of snow, lots of work. No wonder I haven't written! Well there is one ray of sunshine amid all the work drudgery (besides the continuous dumpings of snow) The annual POKER TOUR!! This stunningly spectacular event is in it's 6th year running. With over 100 participants to sweeten the pot, this day is one that we look forward to each January. Well, all of us that know about it anyway (it's kind of a private group thing). So if you saw an abundance retro ski gear and one giant squirrel on the hill on January 21st, this would explain why.
So here's the deal: Each participant puts in $30. They then draw card #1 and take a shot. They can then proceed to shred to their hearts content until the next check in, where they will draw their next card. There are pre-determined check in spots around both mountains. You must make it to each spot within the expected time frame to draw your next card. The person with the best hand at the end of the day wins! It's anyone's game until the last draw. There were about ten of us with pairs, it was down to who could draw a three of a kind or a full house. The crowd is cheering...we step up to the table... we draw our cards. Where the EFF was my 8?! I almost took the title. Alas, I failed to draw the needed card and lost to three fives! The good news is that it's expected of the winner to pay for half the apres tab at Dusty's. After a quick Chinese Downhill comp we collect at Dusty's, lick our wounds, and drown our sorrows. Til next year! That B**** is mine.