Thursday, 1 September 2011

Clinching the Title of Miss Whistler!

I’m sitting at my computer drinking a gin and tonic and wearing a crown. What’s with the crown? Perhaps it’s my new thinking cap, or maybe I just have little girl dress-up syndrome now that I actually own a crown. No, it’s because I’m the new Miss Whistler and although wearing a crown isn’t necessary, it makes for a funny start to this blog.

A couple weeks ago, the final honours for Mr. Whistler went to Brendon King, aka Quatchi from Moe Joe’s. Since every king needs a queen, fast forward to Friday, August 26th and the highly anticipated Miss Whistler competition.

I’m standing backstage with 14 other gorgeous women and the little girls are playing dress up once again. First up? Ski bunny wear. Thank god I would never ski in this or my butt would get frostbite. I strut my stuff and show off my ski bum to loud cheers. I felt surprisingly comfortable despite my minimalistic approach to the category, but I think that had to do with the fact that A) I love being onstage, and B) the entire first row consisted of my friends. Not only did they come out and cheer the loudest, they also made signs like ‘Kristy IS Whistler’ and ‘Kristy For Ms Whistler’ in glitter which pretty much dominated the landscape of the bar that night. My friends are amazing! I tell everyone what the wildest thing I’ve ever done is (not to be printed here, just in case Mom is reading) and I exit the stage happy with the first part of my performance.

Next up is bikini / lingerie wear. My best friend comes backstage to help me change outfits and feed me reviews. It’s going great! I step back onstage and flirt with the crowd. I then remain to perform my talent, which was to take over the mic and make it snow! I had a feeling it would be a crowd pleaser and it couldn’t have gone better.

After a small intermission the runner up is announced. Congrats to the gorgeous Jocelyn Connelly! She will be a welcome addition to the Whistler Exposed calendar next year. Then it was announced that I was the new Miss Whistler for 2011-2012. Wahooo!! Everything is such a blur after that I couldn’t really tell you what happened next. I do know that I ended up high fiving people as I ran through the village in my sash and went to Fat Tony’s at 2am to get pizza, just a like a good Whistler Girl.

I’m so thrilled to have won. Big thanks to Shannon, Jessica and the crew from Whistler Exposed, Jeff from Tommy Africa’s, Magdalena from, Patrick and Darcy for helping with the snow making machine, my bestie Bree for creating the signs and being my ‘dresser’, all my friends who came to support me, and most of all, to my own Mr. Whistler, Jon for his love and support!